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- 98 hospitals offering within 25 miles of Brentwood
23 weeks difference in waiting times for NHS treatment (4 vs 27 weeks)
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- Of the 98 hospitals, 9 outstanding, 48 good, 2 requiring improvement, 39 not yet CQC rated
- Nearest Outstanding hospital - SpaMedica Romford - 6 miles - 5 weeks
Shortest wait at good or outstanding hospital within 50 miles - The Royal Marsden - London - 0 weeks
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Choose or change to the Right Hospital for your NHS or private Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Amd in or near Brentwood
We can help you:
Get your NHS treatment quicker or at a higher quality hospital.
Find the best self-pay / insurance covered treatment.
By choosing or changing to the right hospital.
- 98 hospitals offering Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Amd within 25 miles of Brentwood
23 weeks difference in waiting times for NHS treatment (4 vs 27)
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- Of the 98 hospitals, 9 outstanding, 48 good, 2 requiring improvement, 39 not yet CQC rated
- Nearest Outstanding hospital - SpaMedica Romford - 6 miles - 5 weeks
Shortest wait at good or outstanding hospital within 50 miles - The Royal Marsden - London - 0 weeks
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Reported$49$$$03300584280$No number available$$0$https://www.spamedica.co.uk/contact/ The Royal Marsden - London $NHS$Not
reported$0.0 Weeks$0.0%$Outstanding$93.8%$images/icons/tick-green.svg$images/icons/tick-green.svg$Good$Outstanding$Outstanding$Outstanding$Outstanding$99.7%$94.2%$97.4%$100.0%$98.1%$97.0%$1352$privatepatients@rmh.nhs.uk$http://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/private-care$02078082101$02078118111$http://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/private-care$01$https://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/private-care/referring-private-care/how-be-referred-private-care-uk-patients