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Find out more about cover for pre-existing conditions

There are policies which may cover you for certain pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension or glaucoma.

These figures are based on a review of 300 clients that switched to a comparable or better policy. (100 clients in August 2021 and 100 clients December 2021 and 100 clients in March 2022)

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Are you aware that some health insurance policies provide cover for pre-existing conditions?

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Read Our Guide to Health Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions

Still have questions? Why not read our guide to selecting the right health insurance for you

Download our Health Insurance Guide

In this guide

  • What are my health insurance options?
  • Key health insurance need-to-knows
  • What is typically covered?
  • How much does cover cost?

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Health Compare make recommendations?

The information found within your search results is provided for information purposes only. It is the user's responsibility to interpret their individual results on Health Compare and consult with the healthcare service providers they feel best suit their requirements.

Please note we are not qualified or authorised to give medical or financial services advice or recommendations and would never seek to do so.

Are you giving insurance or financial advice?

No, Health Compare does not provide any form of insurance or financial advice.

We are not qualified or authorised to provide this type of advice.

What is a pre-existing condition?

A pre-existing medical condition typically is an illness or health condition that you have sought medical advice upon or for which you have received treatment in the past, before the start of your new health insurance policy. However, insurers may have differing definitions as to how a pre-existing condition is classified.

We recommend that you speak to the insurance provider or broker directly for advice if you have questions about your options.

New to medical insurance; can I get cover for a pre-existing condition?

Many people feel motivated to take out private medical insurance to cover a condition, after they have had a negative experience or faced a wait for consultations or treatment with the NHS.

However, many Insurers do not cover you for a condition that you have received advice or treatment for in the last five years. It is also common for insurers to cover a condition after a two-year period if you have not sought advice or treatment for it and you have a policy in place for those two-years.

That said, all of the brokers who we feature specialise in insurance for pre-existing conditions to some extent and we suggest that you speak directly with them, under no obligation.

Already have medical insurance; can I continue cover for a pre-existing condition?

One reason people have been reluctant to change insurers or explore their options with other providers, is that they fear that they will lose cover for existing conditions. As a result there are many people who are potentially paying too much for their cover.

Whilst this may be true, changing insurers can lead to conditions being no longer covered, it may not be the case for many people. We suggest that you speak directly with the insurance providers and / or brokers, under no obligation.

For the most part if you have not had to see a specialist in the last 12 months and have nothing booked in to see a specialist in the future you should be free to move providers without the need to lose cover.

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